
A simple guide to setup Atomizer with SolidJS.

Create a new project

If you do not have a project setup already, you can create a new one using the SolidJS Getting Started guide.

npx degit solidjs/templates/js my-app
cd my-app
npm install

Install the plugin

SolidJS uses vite to build the application. You can use our vite plugin as part of the atomizer-plugins package to setup Atomizer. First you must install the dependency.

npm i atomizer-plugins -D

Create your Atomizer config

Create an ./atomizer.config.js config file so that SolidJS can parse your project files.

module.exports = {
    content: [

Update the vite config

Update the ./vite.config.js config file and add the Atomizer plugin.

// ...
import { vite } from 'atomizer-plugins';
import atomizerConfig from './atomizer.config.js';

const atomizerPlugin = vite({
    config: atomizerConfig,
    outfile: 'atomizer.css',

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [atomizerPlugin, solidPlugin()],
    // ...

Add the Atomizer CSS

Add the generated ./dist/atomizer.css file to your ./src/index.jsx file:

import '../dist/atomizer.css';
// ...

Start your build process

Run your build setup as configured in your project’s ./package.json.

npm run build
npm run dev

Begin using Atomizer

Start adding Atomizer classes to your code base; ./src/App.js for example.

export default function App() {
    return (
        <h1 className="Fw(b) Fz(2rem)">Welcome!</h1>